Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 06 Jan 2020
Arts Award Associate (x2)

IVE is seeking two arts/education professionals to work with in order to develop the reach of Arts Award in the region.
The focus of the role will be to work primarily with school settings to build their understanding of Arts Award and essentially to get them delivering it. Arts Award inspires young people to grow their arts and leadership talents: it is creative, valuable and accessible. Arts Award can be achieved at five levels, four qualifications and an introductory award. IVE is keen to see the Arts Award figures for Yorkshire and the Humber increase over the next few years.
The role will be focused on increasing Arts Award figures at Discover, Explore and Bronze levels, and working with centres to help embed creative learning practices using Arts Award. At IVE we work to ensure that children and young people across the region have access to great arts and cultural opportunities. Children and young people doing Arts Award develop their arts, leadership and communication skills (to name just a few) and IVE are keen to see that grow so that more young people can benefit from doing Arts Award.
Location – the two roles will focus on different areas across Yorkshire and the Humber.
Role 1: Hull & surrounding area
Role 2: Sheffield & surrounding area
Deadline: 12 noon Monday 6th January 2020
For more information visit https://weareive.org/vacancy/arts-award-associate-x2-2
Opportunity Location
Hull & Sheffield & surrounding areas
Email: susan@weareive.org
Website: https://weareive.org/vacancy/arts-award-associate-x2-2