Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 07 Jan 2020
Arts and Cultural banner campaign in Huddersfield 2020

Have you seen our new banners which have gone up around Huddersfield Town Centre? They are in place around Huddersfield to showcase many arts and cultural organisations and events going on in Kirklees.
The current flags (shown in the photo) promote cultural events and places around Kirklees. These banners will be on display for the next 3 months, then to be replaced with new flags which will highlight more arts and culture for the following months after that.
Any arts or cultural organisations interested in having a banner should contact Jennifer Dodson at arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk immediately for information on cost and timescale.
If you see one of our banners be sure to tweet us a picture!
News Location
Huddersfield Town Centre
Telephone: 01484 221 000
Email: arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk