Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 10 Mar 2017
Artist/s needed for exhibition project, Craven Museum & Gallery

Craven Museum and Gallery is seeking an artist, partnership or collective for an innovative exhibition project exploring themes of interpretation.
Over the course of the project the artist/s will produce a body of work in response to the diverse collections, to be exhibited in the gallery space. We also wish to deliver a programme of creative workshops and/or drop-in sessions open to the public over the Easter school holidays, with a particular focus on engaging young people in the Craven community with our museum. The artist/s would be available to interact with visitors and help facilitate engagement with the collections and ways of creating work for participants to contribute to the exhibition, which will complement the body of work produced by the artist in the final displays.
This project has been funded by the Arts Council England Museum’s Resilience Fund, as part of the museum's Museum: Indispensable project and the artist/s would be working alongside the Museum Resilience project officer based at the museum and gallery.
Interested artists should submit a short biography along with a portfolio of past work on similar projects and short overview briefly outlining their proposed creative delivery and approach. Please provide your application in PDF or Word format to mhickes@cravendc.gov.uk or by post to: Megan Hickes, Museum Resilience Project Officer, Skipton Town Hall, High Street, Skipton BD23 1AH by 5pm Friday 10th March 2017. Shortlisting will take place week beginning 13th March 2017.
We expect the successful artist to begin work week beginning 27thMarch 2017 and envisage installing the exhibition in mid-June 2017, date TBC.
For an informal discussion about this opportunity, please contact Megan Hickes on: mhickes@cravendc.gov.uk or 01756 706 222
•£3500 inclusive fee, to include artist’s time, transport, materials, workshops and drop-in sessions. Additional funds will be available for exhibition costs.
•Minimum of 12 days’ on-site working commitment required as part of the project, to enable artist to work with the collection, undertake public engagement activities and participate in the installation of the exhibition.
For more information visit http://www.cravendc.gov.uk/cravenmuseum
Opportunity Location
North Yorkshire
Telephone: 01756 706 222
Email: mhickes@cravendc.gov.uk
Website: http://www.cravendc.gov.uk/cravenmuseum