Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 22 Feb 2018
Artist's Journeys - Conference

Yorkshire and Humberside Visual Arts Network offer this one day conference which opens with a talk by Tim Etchells and ends with a performance lecture by Chris Dobrowolski. It will feature contributions and discussions ranging from early career to established artists with local, regional, national and international recognition.
This will be followed by drinks, snacks and music (some favourite driving compilations) to continue conversations at Yorkshire Artspace, supported by Bloc Projects. Plus a chance to see Catherine Dee’s exhibition ‘Parliament of Trees’.
The conference takes place on 22 February 10 am - 6 pm at Sheffield Hallam University. It's free to attend and all artists are welcome!
For more info and to book, visit the website below.
For more information visit http://www.yvan.org.uk/activity/artists-journeys