Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 22 Jun 2020
Artist Commission: The Gift, Creative Scene

To devise and design activity packs, a gift to unlock creativity for communities in North Kirklees, West Yorkshire.
Fee: £2,000 + Materials Budget. Start date: Late June, into August
At Creative Scene, they make art a part of everyday life, running creative events and activities in the places where people live, work and socialise. As we can’t meet in person right now, this summer they want to make and distribute creative activity packs to fire up the imagination, provide fun and entertainment. They have discovered that there is an appetite for creative activities at home during lockdown, with families and older people, including carers, saying they enjoyed the resources provided in their pilot project this spring.
Over the summer, they would love to see how creativity can have a positive impact on wellbeing, provide creative stimulation and fun - for people to do alone or with carers and families. The Gift activity packs will be distributed safely, to families and older people, working with their partner organisations who serve less advantaged families, older and isolated people: Royal Voluntary Service, More in Common and Yorkshire Children’s Centre.
At the end of the summer, Creative Scene will curate an exhibition (this might be online or in real life) of the brilliant creations that people make from the activity packs. The Gift will be given back to the whole community, showcasing the talents and imaginations, special places and people of the area.
For further information, please visit their website: https://www.creativescene.org.uk/get-involved/artist-opportunities/
For more information visit http://www.artsjobs.org.uk/index.php?id=25&ne_source=weeklyjobs&ne_post_id=265344