Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 30 Apr 2021
Artist Call Out: Fire Garden Commissions - Walk the Plank

Call out for Designers, Makers and Artists
Walk the Plank are looking for ideas to commission from artists, designers, and makers for new pieces of work for the Fire Garden.
The Fire Garden is a site-responsive installation comprising of a series of fiery sculptures, creating a glowing landscape that audiences are invited to explore. It adds new depth to public spaces, inviting audiences to reconsider both the idea of a garden and well-known places in a new light.
Creating a sense of discovery and the feeling of uncovering a ‘secret garden’, the format allows people to wander through each section at their own pace. In addition, they try to ensure that the space is free from barriers to encourage a truly immersive experience.
The Brief and Budget
They are looking for designs that include:
– The use of sound
– That are interactive with audiences of all ages.
– That have a kinetic aspect.
The design may have all three of the above elements or none of them.
– That are designed to be easily transported, rigged, de-rigged and stored
– That can be rigged and de-rigged by a maximum of 2-3 people.
– Any component pieces which require rigging or derigging must be able to be lifted and carried by a maximum of 2-3 people.
They are keen to develop the use of other fuels beyond paraffin and propane gas (i.e. more sustainable/eco-friendly fuels).
Budgets for the new works are between £2,000- £15,000.
More details and information of how to apply at the link below.
For more information visit https://walktheplank.co.uk/job/fire-garden-commissions/