Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 04 Dec 2019
Artist Call for Yorkshire Day Celebrations in Rotherham

On the 1st August 2020 Rotherham will host the official Yorkshire Day celebration, welcoming almost 200 Mayoral parties from across the region alongside the Yorkshire Society, to celebrate our shared identity, culture and heritage.
Yorkshire is a proud region with a distinctive story to tell from rolling green landscapes to multi-cultural metropolises, a history of industry, carving a future of innovation. Yorkshire Day presents an opportunity to tell these stories, celebrate our collective achievements, forge new partnerships and collaborations, and demonstrate that the region is far greater than the sum of its parts. The Yorkshire Day 2020 celebrations will provide opportunities for more than 30 artists, performers and musicians based in the Yorkshire region.
We are inviting Expressions of Interest from artists, performers, musicians and makers from across the Yorkshire region to join Rotherham in creating the greatest celebration of Yorkshire identity and belonging on the 1st August 2020.
For more details and a full copy of the brief please contact leanne.buchan@rotherham.gov.uk