ARTCRY aims to encourage artists to create bold political work, with fast-turnaround funding to enable fast action.
They are interested in funding work which opens up or provokes dialogue and doesn’t close it down, can startle people with a new perspective, asks audiences to think more deeply, strives to make an impact, respects difference, can be presented in the public realm, with a spirit of openness and accessibility at its core.
The work is time-critical
The reason that ARTCRY exists is to encourage artists to make work which responds to social/political events happening now. We will give responses within a week so that you can get started on your work and get it out there into the world more quickly. Any work funded must require an immediate start which would count out more traditional funding options.
All work must be presented for free in the public realm
We are looking to support artistic public space interventions. This could be on the streets, in a public space or digitally. This does not mean it only has to be shown in this context, but that is the part we are interested in funding.
Important things to note
You can apply for £2,500 as a maximum grant. There is no minimum amount you can apply for.
There is also a £200 micro-grant which was created through £5 donations during their crowd funding campaign. The form is the same but with lower word counts.
They use the word artist in the broadest sense
– if you have a brilliant creative idea and a creative practice they want to hear from you. If you think you probably aren't the person they want to hear from then you probably are!
More details at the linke below.
For more information visit https://www.artcry.co.uk/funding
Opportunity Location
Website: https://www.artcry.co.uk/funding