Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 04 Oct 2019
Art work for North Street Lighting Column Banners, Leeds

Public Art Commission - North Street Lighting Column Banners. A public art commission for a bold design to be printed and installed on 16 street lighting banners along North Street, Leeds city centre.
Leeds City Council seeks to commission an artist/designer to design artwork that will be printed on 16 banners and then installed on street lighting columns along North Street. The purpose of the banners is to animate the North Street area and create a sense of place for North Street.
The key deliverables from this brief are:
To design artwork to be installed onto street ligating column banners that reflect the identity of North Street and helps to animate the area, celebrate the independent creative scene and creates a sense of place.
The appointed artist(s) will be expected to undertake engagement and consultation with local businesses and residents as part of the design development process.
In the first instance please submit your CV, previous examples of similar projects and examples of style and influence you wish to apply to this brief.
The submitted information will then be judged and the successful artist(s) will be notified to further develop the art/design work.
Deadline for submissions: Friday 4th October 2019
Artists will be notified by: Friday 11th October 2019.
Installation: Target for installation is by Monday 4th November 2019.
For further information please contact Becci Erbillur-Gray on Becci.Erbillur-gray@leeds.gov.uk or 0113 3787721.
For more information visit https://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/north-street-banners-art-work/3811
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 0113 378 7721
Email: becci.erbillur-gray@leeds.gov.uk
Website: https://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/north-street-banners-art-work/3811