Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 29 May 2015
Art Legacy project, Explore York

Explore York are seeking artist proposals for the design, creation and installation of a piece of public art which visually reinterprets the responses to the ‘What Should York Remember?’ roadshow activities which have been collected as part of the York: Gateway to History project.
The aim is to leave a lasting legacy of the York: Gateway to History project, telling the story of York through the words and voices of local people, thus giving an insight into how the city sees itself.
The final art piece will be positioned on the upstairs landing area at our flagship venue at York Explore Library and Archives Learning centre, on the curved wall opposite the entrance to Archives and Local History area.
Click here to view an article in York Press describing one of the roadshows http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/features/features/12923694.These_are_the_days_of_our_lives/
Appendix 1 below, shows graphic examples of the public responses, whilst Appendix 2 lists of the responses under themes.
Fixed Fee: £4,000 on a freelance contract
This fee will include all necessary costs, expenses and resources to deliver this art installation. – see fee & contract information.
Friday 29th May 2015 – Deadline for Proposals
Friday 5thJune 2015 – Shortlist of 3 proposals by project steering group
Tuesday 30thJune 2015 – Deadline for Senior Management Team consultation and decision on shortlisted proposals
Friday 3rdJuly 2015 – Successful Artist contacted by Explore York Libraries and Archives
Monday 6thJuly – Friday 10thJuly 2015 – Project planning/set up including initial meeting with Artist
Monday 13thJuly – 31stOctober 2015 – Project delivery.
A Project Delivery Plan will need to be incorporated into the artist’s proposals. This must allow for sufficient consultation periods to ensure that Explore are kept fully informed of the progress of the work and all approvals given to proceed. This plan will also form the basis for one interim payment.
Please contact Sarah Tester at Explore York 01904 555102 for a copy of the full call-out document.
For more information visit http://www.exploreyork.org.uk/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01904 555 102
Email: sarah.tester@exploreyork.org.uk
Website: http://www.exploreyork.org.uk/