Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 14 Oct 2020
Art Hostel Commissions 2020, East Street Arts

The Art Hostel is a fully functioning backpackers’ hostel that is designed, created and run by artists for curious travellers.
East Street Arts are excited to release their open call for the Art Hostel Leeds, which is a project they have nurtured and grown for six years!
Between October 2020 - March 2021 they will install up to seventeen new commissions that respond to the building and its location, the history and culture of the neighbourhood, how it will function as a venue and our values associated with hospitality, the circular economy and FUN!
They are looking for artists, designers, makers and inventors who can help us create a unique, absorbing and playful environment that is both accessible and sustainable.
Each commission will:
• Embrace the Art Hostel and its visitors, volunteers and staff
• Be site specific and value experience and product equally
• Enhance the visitor experience by introducing them to innovative, thought provoking and playful ideas
• Make the Art Hostel a new, unique and surprising experience
Interested, find out more at the link below
For more information visit https://www.eaststreetarts.org.uk/2020/09/08/art-hostel-artists-commissions-open-call/