Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 26 Apr 2021
Applying for Local & National Grants: Find your funder

This free online event is designed to help community groups in Kirklees find out about & apply for the latest grants.
This free event is designed to help community groups in Kirklees find & apply for local and national grants.
11am to 12.30pm
The event will offer an overview of available funding opportunities and how to get help with submitting a successful bid. You will be able to:
meet some of the funders, ask questions and get their contact details to follow up with them
hear about the latest grants from other local and national funders,
and get follow-up support with your application (if you need it)
The funders will include:
National Lottery - hear from Mitchell Etheridge, Funding Officer for Yorkshire and the Humber
Thriving Kirklees - hear from Paveen Yaqub, Thriving Kirklees Partnership Manager
One Community - hear from Emma Woods-Bolger, CEO
Kirklees Council
ESF Community Grants
TSL Kirklees
For full details and to book your place visit the website below
For more information visit https://tslkirklees.org.uk/eventbrite-event/applying-for-local-national-grants-find-your-funder/