Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 24 May 2021
Apply Now: Funding to thank your volunteers

Get involved and support the theme for Kirklees this year – ‘Time to Say Thank You’
#VolunteersWeekKirklees #VWK2021 – 1st to 7th June 2021
National Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June) is an annual event to recognise the contribution that millions of people make across the UK through volunteering. It is an opportunity for us to formally recognise and say ‘thank you’ to volunteers in Kirklees. This year the TSL Kirklees Volunteering team want to help groups in Kirklees say thank you to all their volunteers, particularly those who’ve done such incredible work over the last year, supporting people through the pandemic, either in person or from home.
Volunteer-run projects or groups in Kirklees (without paid staff) can apply for up to £100 to pay for an activity, event or item to say thank you to their volunteers and recognise their invaluable work. Each group will also receive a pack of thank you cards to personalise and give out. The money can be spent on anything from gifts to vouchers, goodie bags to cakes or afternoon tea deliveries or a Covid-safe event or get-together.
In return, they’d like you to send them your photos, quotes, stories and case studies about your group or one particular volunteer for us to share as part of our online Volunteers’ Week celebrations. You can join in by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, using the hashtags #VolunteersWeekKirklees or #VWK2021, and liking, posting and sharing.
For full details and details of how to apply please visit the website below.
For more information visit https://tslkirklees.org.uk/volunteers-week-2021-apply-for-funding-to-thank-your-volunteers/