Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 01 Mar 2019
Age of Creativity Festival 2019

The new Age of Creativity Festival runs for the entire month of May across England. Not only does this overlap with the Get Creative Festival but it also coincides with similar festivals in other nations (Bealtaine in Ireland, Gwanwyn in Wales and Luminate in Scotland) creating - for the very first time - a massive month-long celebration of creativity and culture in later life across the UK & Ireland.
Find out more about being part of the Age of Creativity Festival at the website below. List your events by 1 March to meet the print deadline for additional festival promotion.
A special conference on the theme of intergenerational work will also take place in Manchester on 2 May to help launch the festival. Booking details to be announced soon on @AgeofCreativity
For more information visit https://www.voluntaryarts.org/age-of-creativity?utm_source=Voluntary+Arts+enews+subscribers&utm_campaign=4640817e88-VA_ENEWS_2019_FEB&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bd6080b4c5-4640817e88-710938797&mc_cid=4640817e88&mc_eid=a6be1c45ba