Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 01 Dec 2015
ADUK National Seminar: Arts, Health & Wellbeing

Booking is now open for the ADUK National Seminar: Arts, Health & Wellbeing
to be held at St David’s Hall, Cardiff on Tuesday 1st December 2015.
This next national seminar in our professional development programme is aimed at officers involved in both policy and practice related to arts, health and wellbeing commissioning and service provision. Please note that spaces are limited and are available on a first come first served basis. Our training needs survey and previous seminar feedback indicated that arts officers across both England and Wales who are engaged in and keen to learn more this area of work. It will also assist health professionals to learn more about the benefits of applying arts and cultural participation to improve health and wellbeing.
The seminar will illustrate best practice arts services in both England and Wales, giving delegates networking opportunities and an opportunity to take part in a series of activities illustrating arts, health and wellbeing. The seminar will demonstrate how working through arts participation, individuals, organisations and communities can increase participation and access to health and wellbeing; also increasing confidence and ability, community development and social cohesion, and bringing groups of disadvantaged or hard to reach people to increase their quality of life. The day will allow delegates to hear about policy and practice from a range of informed speakers and presenters from Wales and England.
The morning will include keynote presentations followed by a series of breakout sessions with presenters drawn from good practice case studies from a national prospective with opportunities for debate and information sharing. The day is aimed at arts and cultural organisations, artists, those in the health, wellbeing and social care sectors, local and national government policy makers, and those working in the voluntary and independent sectors. We very much hope that you will be able to join us for an enlightening and informative day that should enable you to support better cultural practice and delivery with communities in your own areas.
To view the online version of the programme and booking form (and to be invoiced for a place) please follow the link below. Alternatively you can book this year using Eventbrite by visiting the following website : http://www.eventbrite.com/e/arts-development-uk-arts-health-and-wellbeing-national-seminar-tickets-18991772904 (if you wish to pay by credit card).
Please reserve the date in your diaries now. For more information about the event please contract Pete Bryan, Arts Development UK Administrator - details below.
This event is supported by the Arts Council of Wales.
For more information visit http://artsdevelopmentuk.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/ArtsHealthSeminar_booking_form.pdf?125944&125944
Opportunity Location
St David’s Hall, Cardiff
Telephone: 01269 824 728
Email: artsdevuk@aol.com
Website: http://artsdevelopmentuk.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/ArtsHealthSeminar_booking_form.pdf?125944&125944