Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 08 Sep 2017
Access & Education Officer, Phoenix Dance Theatre (part time)

Access & Education Officer, Phoenix Dance Theatre
Closes: 8th September 2017
Location: Yorkshire
Type: Part time
Salary: Paid (£15k-20k pro rata)
Artform: dance
Contact: Charis Charles recruitment@phoenixdancetheatre.co.uk
Leeds based touring company, Phoenix Dance Theatre, is currently recruiting two exceptional individuals to take up part time roles of Access & Education Officers. The roles sit within an energetic, busy and highly dynamic department currently delivering over 6000 workshops across the country per year, reaching participants from a wide range of abilities and backgrounds. Successful applicants will be responsible for both the administration and delivery of multiple projects over 3 to 4 days (24 – 30 hours) per week.
For further information and to apply please download the Job Pack from the website http://www.phoenixdancetheatre.co.uk/contact-us/vacancies/
Application is by Covering letter (detailing any particularly relevant experience) and CV which should be sent to: recruitment@phoenixdancetheatre.co.uk no later than 5pm on Friday 8th September. Interviews and teaching observations will be held in Leeds week commencing 18th September.
Source: ArtsJobs
For more information visit http://www.phoenixdancetheatre.co.uk/contact-us/vacancies/