Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 25 Jan 2016
A Moth for Amy - Artist Design Opportunity

Designs invited for ‘A Moth for Amy’
A Moth for Amy, a ‘multiples’ mass engagement public art project, is all about giving Amy Johnson, Hull’s aviation heroine, the recognition she deserves. A Moth for Amy will be a major part of Amy Johnson Festival, designed to bring her remarkable life to the attention of people across the city, the region, the country and the world!
A Moth for Amy will see dozens of beautifully decorated moths alighting on walls and plinths across Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire, key locations across England – and along Amy’s flight-path to Australia! These sculptures will bring curious glances and happy smiles to visitors and residents alike.
The Amy Johnson Festival are looking for artists interested in being part of this exciting project, by producing a design with which to decorate one of these unique sculptures, and then transferring the design onto the sculpture itself.
If you have experience in responding to a similar brief and producing artwork which is visually exciting and robust for the public domain then download the Artist Brief and Submission Form on the website below.
For more information visit http://www.amyjohnsonfestival.co.uk/a-moth-for-amy