Creative Hertfordshire / News / Thu 02 Apr 2020
Sport England Coronavius Fund

Sport Engalnd Re making up to £195 million of funding available to help the sport and physical activity sector through the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis.
That will include dance organisations.
The package is made up of the following:
• A £20 million Community Emergency Fund, which is now open for clubs and community organisations to bid into. Grants between £300 and £10,000 are available
• A £5 million pot for our existing partners to bid into if they're facing specific financial difficulty
• An additional £55 million to support our sector during an ongoing period of restrictions, to fund new and innovative ways to keep people active and, when the period of restrictions is over, to help organisations get back to business and adjust to a different environment
• A £115 million rollover of current funding into 2021/22 to give long term certainty to over 100 well-established partners who play a vital role in the delivery of sport and physical activity in England.
For more information go to:
For more information visit https://www.sportengland.org/news/195-million-package-help-sport-and-physical-activity-through-coronavirus