Creative Hertfordshire / News / Fri 21 Apr 2017
Promoting Your Organisation Training Course

#TeamHerts Volunteering and HCF Training and Development would like to invite you to our newly announced second date for the Promoting Your Organisation Training Course taking place on Tuesday 9th May, 9.30am-3.00pm at Stoneyhall Community Centre, 29 Wornham Avenue, Stevenage, SG1 3UG.
This exciting new half day course will cover:
• How to use a range of marketing tactics (digital including social media and traditional) to promote your organization and increase volunteer numbers
• Marketing messaging - Identifying and sharing your benefits to the volunteer
• How to use analytics to measure impact
• Practical marketing techniques and examples to take away and implement in your own organization's campaigns
The course is ideal for those responsible for volunteer recruitment and/or marketing in their organization.
To book please email: enquiries@teamherts.org or call: 01462 689 409. You can also download the booking form to complete from our website here: http://teamherts.org/for-organisations/promoting-your-organisation-course
Booking is essential as space is limited. Please RSVP and let us know if you or any colleagues will be attending.
Half day course cost: £30 for all VCS members, £60 for private/statutory.
For more information visit http://teamherts.org/for-organisations/promoting-your-organisation-course
News Location
Stoneyhall Community Centre,
29 Wornham Avenue,
Telephone: 01462 689 409
Email: enquiries@teamherts.org
Website: http://teamherts.org/for-organisations/promoting-your-organisation-course