Creative Hertfordshire / News / Thu 12 Jan 2017
Elstree Film Festival Launches - a special educational project

A Film Festival celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Elstree Film Studios, with local residents.
What is Elstree Studios and why are they doing this?
Founded in 1914 as Neptune Studios, Elstree became a world-renowned film studio. Elstree has been ingrained in British film making culture since 1926, producing world famous film and television productions including the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones, Paddington, The King’s Speech as well as Strictly Come Dancing, The Crown and Big Brother.
Elstree Studios recognises the huge influence the local community has on its business. Not just from direct employees but also the huge economic impact of indirect business, from hotels to taxi drivers. Everyone in the local community touches or impacts the studios in some way – often going back generations. To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the studios, we wanted to collaborate with the future people of the Elstree area by engaging with local schools and local students.
What does the film have to be about?
The theme of the film will celebrate the heritage and filmmaking of Elstree Studios and how it has impacted the lives and livelihood of the residents of Hertsmere. How your students execute this theme is entirely up to them - it could be an animation, a documentary or a romantic drama! Whatever the format, our film experts will be on-hand to guide them through the filmmaking process.
How does it link to the national curriculum?
The learning objectives linked to the National Curriculum are:
• English - identify the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar models for their own.
• Citizenship - The roles played by public institutions and voluntary groups within society, and the ways in which citizens work together to improve their communities, including opportunities to participate in school based activities.
• History - Events within living memory.
• Computing - Pupils are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
• Speaking and Listening – Participate in role play, improvisation and debates.
Who is the film festival open to?
Year 5 or Year 8 classes in schools within the Hertsmere area. They will be mentored by a teacher and students from Elstree University Technical College. Elstree UTC will provide:
• A camera
• Digital card to record the film.
• Storyboards to develop the stories.
• Technical know-how to make the film.
• Editing and sound facilities at Elstree UTC during post production.
What are the timelines for making the film?
We are launching the film festival and inviting schools to participate on 12th January with the film festival due to take place in July, giving lots of time to prepare and produce the film.
Elstree UTC students and a member of staff will come into your school on a day convenient to you, to make the film. Elstree UTC will open its doors on a Saturday (date to be confirmed) when your students can learn about editing and post production on their films.
How much will it cost us?
Elstree Studios and Elstree UTC will be providing all of the resource free of charge. The school is required to use the film festival to enhance the learning of the national curriculum. Costs for the class to visit UTC to use their equipment will need to be incurred.
How do we enter?
Simply email Elstree’s marketing team at joely.hertz@elstreestudios.co.uk. Send all the details of your school and class to Joely and Clare Deakin from Elstree UTC will be in touch to arrange a date for the film to be made in your school.
Who will see the film?
Screenings will take place at Elstree UTC and there will be an award ceremony, with a variety of prizes, at the world-famous Elstree Studios in July.
Who should I speak with if I have any further questions?
You can telephone Joely Hertz on 0208 324 2221 or Anne Lean on 07788 655 734
News Location
Elstree Film Studios
Shenley Road
Telephone: 020 8324 2221
Email: joely.hertz@elstreestudios.co.uk