Creative Hertfordshire

Creative Hertfordshire / Opportunities / Mon 30 Jan 2017

Community engagement/large scale public artists, Leavesden

Community engagement/large scale public artists, Leavesden

Three Rivers District Council are offering artists with experience of community engagement and of producing large scale public art work, an exciting commission opportunity, to work on the Leavesden Country Park Heritage Trail, which is being part funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Submission deadline is 30 January 2017 with the work due to start in February – June 2017 (phase 1) with a desired date of art installation of June 2018 (phase 2).

The Heritage Trail involves three themes, Minds, Movies and Machines. Each theme has an overall budget of £74,000. We hope to commission three different artists to each work on a theme, teasing out the fascinating local stories of this heritage through a series of community workshops. This will culminate in the creation of work that will inform, inspire and show recognition.

We aim to bring great art into the park, linked to the heritage of the local community, so that it is preserved for the next generation. The art works need to reflect the story of Leavesden and of how the local people and the greater community have been influenced and changed because of the Leavesden hospitals, Aerodrome and film industries.

Along with a very engaged and diverse Steering Group of key stakeholders, Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden are a creative partner and advisors to the process, as well as a financial contributor to the Heritage Trail.

We would love to hear from artists who feel they can contribute and deliver as part of this exciting and unique sculpture trail and community engagement opportunity. To find out more about this commission visit our e-procurement portal at and add the following Access Code: 33EHWYWHMW. Artists must register for free on the portal, as all bids for this opportunity must be submitted via this format. Artists should read through all the documentation on the portal, including the on-line questionnaire and follow the on-line process to respond to this opportunity.

For more information visit

Opportunity Location

Leavesden Country Park

College Road
Abbots Langley


Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types

