Creative Future / Events / Mon 20 Feb 2017
Meet the Artist: Terence Wilde – Brighton

The ‘Meet the Artist/Writer’ series showcases writers and artists from marginalised backgrounds and how they got their work ‘out there’.
Terence Wilde is a visual artist based in London. Terence studied textiles and worked as a print designer in London’s West End, during which he developed the illusion of a hard outer shell in order to survive in the mainstream arts world. Terence spent many years coming to terms with being an adult survivor, but believes his life challenges give heart and soul to his work. This talk will explore Terence’s journey as an artist and how he has reached his current artistic stage, one that allows him to embrace his true authentic self.Terence Wilde
This event is open to the public but disabled and marginalised people will have priority booking.
Dates: Monday 20 February 2017
Time: 2:00-3:00 pm
Venue: Conference Room, Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG
The Artist: Terence Wilde studied printed textiles at Winchester School of Art, graduating with a 1st Class Degree. Following 16 years of freelance work as a print designer in the world of fashion, he retrained through Croydon’s voluntary services as an art group facilitator. Terence currently works as a specialist instructor in art, pottery and textiles at the Bethlem Royal Hospital. View Terence’s work on his website: www.terencewilde.com
For more information visit http://creativefuture.org.uk/events/meet-the-artist-terence-wilde-brighton/
Event Location
Community Base
Conference Room
Community Base
113 Queens Road
Telephone: 01273 234 780
Email: info@creativefuture.org.uk
Website: http://creativefuture.org.uk/events/meet-the-artist-terence-wilde-brighton/