Creative Future / Events / Wed 18 Jan 2017
Meet the Artist: Kristina Veasey – Brighton

The ‘Meet the Artist/Writer’ series showcases writers and artists from marginalised backgrounds and how they got their work ‘out there’.
Kristina Veasey’s journey from born creative to hobby artist, and finally on to professional artist has developed through ad-hoc routes, leaps in the dark and trying to figure out how to play the art game. Still feeling very much at the beginning of her career as a ‘proper artist’, Kristina will share the things she feels have worked well and those that haven’t so much. Come along to this talk to find out more about her work, her approach and the crumbs under her sofa!Kristina Veasey MyDirtySecret;Clutter
This event is open to the public but disabled and marginalised people will have priority booking.
Dates: Wednesday 18 January 2017
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm
Venue: Conference Room, Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG
The Artist: Kristina Veasey finds beauty in the mundane, flips negatives to positives, and likes to include humour or surprise in her work. Her works are an eclectic mix stemming from a variety of experiences and routines, including the barriers she encounters as a disabled person, the daily school run, and even the mess and dirt around the house. The subjects are as varied as the mediums she uses but much of her recent work has been digital.
Kristina has exhibited work in the South East for 20 years, in galleries, shops and festivals. Her solo project Beyond the Torch Run was funded by ACE, included in the South East Cultural Olympiad programme, and awarded the Inspire Mark. She has received commissions from a variety of organisations, and facilitates arts engagement projects within gallery, outreach and community settings. She is currently working with excluded and vulnerable young women in the Brighton Dome project, Miss Represented. View more on Kristina’s work here: www.kristinamichelleveasey.tumblr.com
For more information visit http://creativefuture.org.uk/events/meet-the-artist-kristina-veasey-brighton/
Event Location
Community Base
Conference Room
Community Base
113 Queens Road
Telephone: 01273 234 780
Email: info@creativefuture.org.uk
Website: http://creativefuture.org.uk/events/meet-the-artist-kristina-veasey-brighton/