Creative Doncaster / Opportunities / Mon 30 Dec 2019
Seed Fund for the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector

The fund aims to encourage local people to trial completely new activities with a maximum spend per application of £1000.
What is the SEED Fund?
The fund is to enable local people/informal groups to come together to look at whether they would like to develop and expand their activities and how they would like to do this.
Who can access the fund?
• Informal networks/groups for Adults
• Individuals
What can the fund be used for?
Initial set up costs for a limited time period i.e.:
• Advertising and promotional materials
• Teas and coffees
• Equipment for activities
• Room hire
• Anything that facilitates the individual or group to get involved!!!
Find out more and download an application form via the link below.
For more information visit http://www.doncaster.gov.uk/services/the-council-democracy/voluntary-and-community-support-fund