Creative Doncaster / Opportunities / Mon 04 Mar 2019
Community Investment Programme Funding

The Community Investment Programme is delivered by Doncaster Council.
The primary purpose of the Community Investment Programme is to support local Voluntary, Community, Faith Sector and Social Enterprises to enhance and/or develop a range of flexible and creative activities and services in Doncaster.
We want to continue to support the development and enhancement of a thriving and sustainable voluntary, community and faith sector and social enterprise that provide activities based on what residents actually want.
Value will be placed on applications which are flexible, embrace doing things differently and put forward new ideas and solutions to deliver on the three key theme areas identified within the programme. We also welcome applications which increase volunteering and/or suggest new models of volunteering; and provide more opportunities for residents to get involved in their local communities.
We will only accept applications where it can be demonstrated that people have been involved in the design and will be involved in the delivery and the evaluation of the activities. We will not fund applications that are about “doing to”; we want applications that are about working with, or delivered by people.
We would like to see partnership working and/or collaboration and connectivity between applications that respond to more than one of the key themes and illustrate how resources can be maximised. We welcome applications from new organisations small community groups, and local enterprises.
There are two funding streams available within the Community Investment Programme they are:
Capital Fund of £200k.
Community based activity Fund of £200k
The three key themes in the Community Investment Programme can make a substantial contribution to the delivery of policy objectives, particularly in supporting community wellbeing. The key themes are as follows, more details are set out below for each theme:-
Tackling loneliness and social isolation
Maintaining Independence
Early Intervention and Prevention
For more information and to download an application form visit the link below
For more information visit http://www.doncaster.gov.uk/services/the-council-democracy/voluntary-and-community-support-fund