Courtyard Arts Centre / Events / Tue 21 Jul to Sat 15 Aug 2015 (4 weeks)
Summer Exhibition, Hertford Theatre Gallery

A mixed exhibition by a group of members and supporters of Courtyard Arts Centre. This show celebrates the summertime in a variety of guises. The work is by artists Bryan Andrews, Emma Marsden, Jude O'Sullivan, Imogen Perkin, Lesley Smith, Susan Stuart, Sue Yoxall and Ruth Ward. It runs until 15th August
For more information visit http://www.courtyardarts.org.uk/
Event Location
Hertford Theatre Gallery
The Wash
SG14 1PS
Telephone: 01992 509 596
Email: gallerymanager@courtyardarts.org.uk
Website: http://www.courtyardarts.org.uk/