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Courtyard Arts Centre

Courtyard Arts Centre / Events / Mon 03 to Sat 29 Aug 2015 (4 weeks)

Artist in Residence

Artist in Residence

Courtyard supports emerging artists by offering a residency in the gallery each summer. The selected artist has free reign to create work in the space during these four weeks and the opportunity has often enabled artists to take the next step in their creative lives.

This year we have appointed sound artist Sarah Anderson whose work is predominantly centred on language and sound, combining personal language from journal entries and private messages, with publicly accessible language from broadcasts and social media feeds to address contemporary questions of identity, autobiography and storytelling.

Sarah has recently been awarded a First Class Honours Degree in Fine Art from the University of Hertfordshire.

For more information visit

Event Location

Courtyard Arts Centre

Port Vale
SG14 3AA

Telephone: 01992 509 596

Event Details