Lynda Newbury / Events / Sat 22 Oct 2011
The Proposal / The Bear - Anton Chekhov

An hilarious double bill.
The Bear
A wealthy widow triumphant in her grief for her womanising husband is rudely interrupted by an unwanted visitor - a debtor to her late spouse. Only he is met with more than he bargained for when the fiesty widower decides she will fight him on his own terms.
The Proposal
A nervous young man beset with hypochondria has decided to take a wife and focuses his attention on a wealthy landowners daughter. Confused by his intentions and many crossed wires she vehemently defends her land, her family honour and finally her dog whilst almost killing him in the process.
tickets & info:
01273 464 440
Event Location
Ropetackle Arts Centre
Little High Street
Shoreham by Sea
West Sussex
BN43 5EG
Telephone: 01273 464 440