Communities 1st / Events / Thu 03 Jun 2021
Volunteering Herts Virtual Trustee Speed Matching Event

Does your organisation need to recruit new trustees?
Have you ever thought about becoming a trustee yourself?
Are you looking to find a cause you can support?
Are you interested in discovering the great work local organisations do to support our community?
If so, we have an event for you! Our Trustee Speed Matching sessions will enable you to ‘virtually’ meet with incredible, passionate local organisations seeking to recruit volunteer trustees and high calibre volunteers looking to get involved as trustees.
Thursday 3rd June 5pm-7pm
There will be a series of short presentations from organisations seeking to recruit volunteer trustees and applicants giving pitches about what they have to bring to the table. Presentations are limited to three minutes and may be accompanied with slides, graphics and/or a video presentation.
We suggest trustee candidates include the following:
1. I am …
2. The reason I want to volunteer as a trustee is because …
3. My experience is …
4. The value can I bring to your organisation is ...
Following the pitches, we give the opportunity for some general Q&A following the presentations and a little bit of networking so all can get to know a little bit more about each other. The session is designed to be an introduction to a much larger deeper conversation.
After the event, we seek feedback, contacting everyone who participated and where appropriate arrange follow-up meetings and interviews between the organisations and candidates. These may take the form of virtual or face to face sessions and we would expect these to take place over the summer.
The next Speed Matching event, which takes place in Volunteers Week, will be jointly hosted by Volunteering Herts, (Communities1st, Community Action Dacorum, Welwyn Hatfield CVS and Broxbourne & East Herts Volunteer Centre) It will take place on Zoom. We expect the duration of the event to be no longer than 2 hours.
Book now to reserve your place: https://www.communities1st.org.uk/civicrm/event/info%3Fid%3D1892%26reset%3D1
For more information visit https://www.communities1st.org.uk/civicrm/event/info%3Fid%3D1892%26reset%3D1
Event Location
Telephone: 020 3559 3559
Email: info@volunteeringherts.uk
Website: https://www.communities1st.org.uk/civicrm/event/info%3Fid%3D1892%26reset%3D1