Cockington Court Craft Centre / Events / Sat 22 to Sun 30 Mar 2014 (1 week)
Encircling Life exhibition

Encircling Life Exhibiting at Cockington Court, The Kitchen Gallery, from 22nd - 30th March 2014. Open 10am - 4pm daily.
Encircling Life is an exhibition of the work of three artists who respond in very different ways to their experience of life and nature. In common is the practice of celebrating the ordinary and making it into something beautiful and significant. The exhibition promises to be a diverse mixture of colour and form and media with delicate macro photography, assemblages of stone carving and recycled materials and strikingly colourful and symbolic paintings.
Monica Shanta Brown
“A thread through my work is a striving to make visible the magical spark of life in what we may experience as mundane, make explicit the divine within the ‘ordinary’.
My immediate experience is from within a female body, and in my experience of the physical presence of life around me.”
Luci Coles
“I have an interest and a concern in our relationship with nature. Work in this exhibition explores the urge to organise, control and beautify our surroundings and our emotions. I enjoy the process of making, texture and form are always prominent and there is often a narrative implied with my work. ”
Vicki Gardner
“Always on the lookout for ways to get people to appreciate nature in all its myriad forms, shapes and colours and to value the environment around us; I have been concentrating on producing a series of images celebrating our wild flowers found in Devon hedgerows. ‘Innocent Beauty – Devon Hedgerows’ is a beautiful reflection on the flowers we so often take for granted; garlic mustard, cow parsley and stitchwort, among others, are shown in superb macro imagery.”
Thanks to Cockington Court and Torbay Action for Arts who have teamed up to bring you 7 weeks of exhibitions from local artists in Torbay this spring. www.cockingtoncourt.org www.creativetorbay.com/torbay-action-for-art/
Please contact Luci Coles at info@lucicoles.co.uk or telephone 07808068968 for further information