Cockington Court Craft Centre / Opportunities / Sun 31 Dec 2017
Cockington Craft & Sculpture Studio Units for Rent

We have our last few craft and sculpture studios available for rent at Cockington Court from as little as £85 per mth
Over 26 craft studios found behind the Manor House in the Sea Change , stable yard and Cob barn studio areas
These studios are open to the public so that craft based makers can demonstrate their skills and sell from the unit. Tenants will need to be open a minimum of 5 days a week. 5 year lease agreement on flexible terms. Business mentoring support is available to tenants.
Applicants need to apply to marissa.wakefield@tedcltd.com for application forms.
All applications will be looked at by a vetting committee.
For more information visit http://www.cockingtoncourt.org/
Opportunity Location
Cockington Court
Telephone: 01803 607 230
Email: marissa.wakefield@tedcltd.com
Website: http://www.cockingtoncourt.org/