Claque Theatre / News / Tue 06 Dec 2011
Hartfield Community Play launches new website

Claque Theatre’s latest production, Hartfield Community Play, has launched a new website.
Created by designer/maker Emily Broad, the site offers a quick and easy online destination to find out what’s going on within the community play programme.
As well as event listings, the site also offers news, tickets and details of how to take part in the making of the play and the lead-in Children’s Book Festival, Storyfest, which is set for May 2012.
Caroline Tully, chairperson of the Hartfield Community Play Steering Group, said, “The success of Hartfield Community Play and Children’s Book Festival is based upon opening up the project to the widest number number of people and being as inclusive as possible. We’re very happy that our new website will help us reach a new audience. The programme is funded by Arts Council England and other local trusts and foundations to encourage community participation. Everyone is welcome to attend any or all of the upcoming events. There is no better time to make new friends, learn new skills and be part of this unique project.
“Hartfieldplay.co.uk offers lots of opportunities to take part and to learn more about the making of a community play” added Liz Carter from Claque Theatre.
“We’re all incredibly happy with the website and very grateful to our volunteers Emily Broad and Penny Lamb for making us something that is beautifully designed and highly functional. We’re going to keep working on it to improve it still further, so there will be even more special features added in the next few months such as booking your place in the free and professionally-run workshops, opportunities for advertising and sponsorship and a blog from a community cast member documenting the progress of the play from an insider’s view,”
If you would like to express your interest in helping with the production of the play or festival from performing to set building and costume design, you can get in touch with the team in the following ways.
Send us a message via the website www.hartfieldplay.co.uk
Join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/hartfieldplay
Or follow the most up-to-date community play news on Twitter at www.twitter.com/communityplays