CircusSeen / Events / Wed 18 Sep to Wed 23 Oct 2013 (1 month)
CircusSeen Adults Hooping Class Wednesday

CircusSeen adults Hooping Class in
Beginners Hooping with Kate Wright
Hooping is one of the best ways to gain a well-toned stomach and get fit in so many ways that the gym can not offer...These courses are for beginners and hoopers who have been on the circusSeen hooping course.
We will teach you moves names and movements combined with tricks and dance. You'll be amazed at what you can do in such a short time!
Wednesdays from 18th September 2013 to 23rd October 2013
£35 per term or £6.50 drop in
Wednesday time 7.15pm till 8.15pm
Maybridge Keystone Centre, Goring-by-Sea,
Places are limited!
Nick or Kate 019032033243 07900063767
For more information visit http://www.circusseen.org/
Event Location
Maybridge Keystone Centre
Maybridge Keystone Centre
Raleigh Way
BN12 6JD
BN12 6JD
Telephone: 07900 063 767
Email: info@circusseen.org
Website: http://www.circusseen.org/