Chol / News / Wed 05 Oct 2016
Imaginary Communities programme gets worldwide recognition

Chol's pioneering Imaginary Communities programme was recently featured in the Huddersfield Examiner and the Yorkshire Evening Post for it's success in schools in the UK and beyond.
To read more about Imaginary Communities visit:http://www.examiner.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/drama-boosting-childrens-academic-performance-11927208
To find out more about Chol Theatre and their other community arts projects visit:
For more information visit http://www.choltheatre.co.uk/
News Location
Chol Theatre
8 Queen Street
Telephone: 01484 536 008
Email: info@choltheatre.co.uk
Website: http://www.choltheatre.co.uk/