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Charlotte Wood

Charlotte Wood / Events / Thu 10 Jan 2019

Hertfordshire ProConnect: Leading & Managing a Production Team

Hertfordshire ProConnect: Leading & Managing a Production Team

Are you getting the best from your production team? Do you know what really makes them and you tick?

This highly practical workshop will give you key insights into understanding the different personality types of your crew, and how to manage and motivate them, as well as guidance on how to deal with allegations of harassment or bullying, how to crew up effectively and improve the diversity of your team. Informative, accessible, bite-size - this session is a great starting point for anyone leading a team and wanting both the soft skills and HR knowledge to do it better.

Taught by an experienced Head of Production, Adelina Orfila (Hollyoaks, Coronation Street, Heartbeat), the workshop will have an emphasis on scripted productions but is relevant to those working across production genres.

For more information visit

Event Location

Elstree Film Studios

Shenley Rd,

Telephone: 020 8324 2310

Event Details