SAT 18th February 10.45-12.30 FREE Minecraft Madness! From Wilbury Youth Council - Make a Minecraft box, dig and win a gem to put in it, make a MC tower, design and take home a MC t shirt, bring your laptop/tablets and MC codes to show your MC designs, free win a MC book or a Dragon - all whilst stock lasts, plus as always chess & go. At Wilbury Hall behind St. Thomas's Bedford Road Letchworth see for more info http://www.wilburycommunity.org.uk/youth-council/
For more information visit http://www.wilburycommunity.org.uk/youth-council/
Event Location
ST Thomas Church
103 Bedford Road
Telephone: 01462 623 119
Email: sharonedwardssl@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.wilburycommunity.org.uk/youth-council/