Callaloo Carnival Arts / News / Wed 06 Jan 2021
Support our Callaloo PopUp Carnival Crowdfunder!

Time is running out to back our PopUp Carnival project!
2020 was another challenging year for us, as it has been for so many people.
We had to press pause on most of our work this year - we must put safety before sequins! We revised project plans, learned new skills & ways of working and we kept going.
Sadly, we had to cancel Mirfield Carnival Parade 2020, but we are determined to bring Carnival vibes back to local places & restore the smiles to local faces in 2021.
We are appealing to local people and local businesses to help us make that happen.
With support from Growing Great Places, local Councillors and our community, we'll stage a series of Covid-safe Carnival performances at sites across North Kirklees next Spring.
We’ll also apply for extra money from Arts Council England, to capture & share this work digitally, so more people can enjoy it. Our Digital Carnival in July 2020 had people tuning in from Dewsbury to DC, Trinidad, London, Liverpool and many places in-between. Going Digital enabled us to do things we’ve not considered doing before (such as interviews with the Artists who design & make the spectacular art that is showcased on Carnival Day).
We were able to reach people who would not usually experience our Carnival Parade: friends & family abroad and people who are unable to attend Carnival due to health issues.
Our PopUp Carnival performances will reach people who are often excluded from arts events & Festivals, including Care Home residents and SEND school students.
Our PopUp Carnival Crowdfunding Campaign needs to reach its target by 28th Jan!
To date, we have gathered 48 pledges worth £7695.
This is fantastic, especially given the current conditions, with so many of our friends & colleagues out of work, but as this is an all or nothing model, we need to reach our target or we lose the lot. So we really need every bit of support we can get!
More details here: https://www.spacehive.com/callaloo-pop-up-carnival-2021#/gallery
Callaloo would like to thank everyone who has supported us so far - we’ll be working extra hard this month to reach that target so we can deliver some Carnival fun in 2021!!
For more information visit http://www.spacehive.com/callaloo-pop-up-carnival-2021
News Location
Mirfield, West Yorkshire
Studio 4B, Creative Arts HUB,
51-53, Huddersfield Rd., Mirfield
WF14 8AB
Email: info@callaloo-community.org
Website: http://www.spacehive.com/callaloo-pop-up-carnival-2021