Bushey Museum and Art Gallery / News / Fri 31 Jul 2020
Living Artist of the Month - Graham Boyd

Now living in Chipperfield, he worked at the Meadow Studios, Bushey in the 1950s. He exhibited his paintings at the Museum several times: The Long Haul (2004), Bushey Artists and Meadow Studios (2006/7) and Visual Metaphors (2010). In 2019 he was bestowed a Fellowship at the University of Hertfordshire ‘in recognition of his contribution to art and his services to the University'. He has worked and exhibited widely around the world. Read more about him and see more of his paintings from the link below!
Painting: 'Crash', 2016, 168 x 214 cm, acrylic on canvas.
For more information visit https://busheymuseum.org/artists-graham-boyd/