Bushey Museum and Art Gallery / News / Sun 31 May 2020
'Living Artist of the Month' - Dougie Chowns

We are featuring Dougie as our first ‘Living Artist of the Month’. He was born in Watford and spent many years visiting the Bushey studios of Lucy Kemp-Welch and Marguerite Frobisher. He was recently in touch with the Museum to share a copy of the ‘New Zealand Artist Magazine’ where he is part of the editing team: the May-June edition is freely available (as a gesture during Covid-19) and includes an article by him. Dougie was Bushey Museum’s ‘Artist in Residence’ in 1994 which he recalls as the ‘honour of my life’. He has presented some paintings to Bushey Museum and the Bentley Priory Museum. Follow the link to read more about him and see some of his paintings!
For more information visit https://busheymuseum.org/artists-dougie-chowns/