Bridget Poulter / Events / Wed 17 Mar to Wed 30 Jun 2021 (3 months)
Love To Move - elders

Come and join me for an hour or so of seated movement and activities designed to support everyday function and stimulate mind, body and soul. Whilst initially developed by the British Gymnastics Foundation to help people with dementia, 'Love To Move' can help older adults maintain dexterity and reduce cognitive deterioration from age or illness. And we could probably all do with some of that, especially given the past year where usual activities have been curtailed.
Sessions are FREE and take place over Zoom video-conferencing. Come alone or with your partner or other relative and connect with others through movement, memory games and other activities, to a background of tunes old and new.
Weekly classes on Wednesdays, from 11.00-12.15.
For more information visit https://youtu.be/JBQqaqdwdn8
Event Location
West View
Telephone: 07766 086 183
Email: bridgetdmp@gmail.com
Website: https://youtu.be/JBQqaqdwdn8