BobSleigh / News / Sun 11 Jan 2015
Work accepted for Art Station Hand Drawn Exhibition!

I work away much of the time and travel regularly by train. Ever since Art Station first hit the walls at Huddersfield Train Station, I've been a fan. It's great for local creative talent to have a place to exhibit, and it brightens my mornings so much, seeing some fabulous art in such a magnificent building.
It's been a long time since I last exhibited any of my own art, but it got me thinking about exhibiting again. When I saw the Hand Drawn Exhibition advertised on Creative Kirklees, I decided I'd submit a few pieces - New Year, new start - nothing ventured, nothing gained.
YeeHah! I've had my work accepted! I'm so excited, can't wait to see my art up there with the rest for all to see.
The exhibition starts on Tuesday 12th Jan. So if you are passing through or just passing the train station over the next few weeks, stop and take a look at all the great local art.
Feedback is always appreciated, let me know what you think...
For more information visit http://www.theartstation.co.uk/
News Location
Art Station, the gallery space at Huddersfield Train Station
Huddersfield Train Station
Telephone: 07958 318 592
Email: bobsleigh@cyberphile.co.uk
Website: http://www.theartstation.co.uk/