Blue Walnut Cafe / Events / Mon 02 Jun to Mon 07 Jul 2014 (1 month)

This six part course explores the skills, knowledge and techniques that are central to the art of Performance Poetry.
Course dates: Mondays: 2nd June, 9th June, 16th June, 23rd June, 30th June and 7th July.
7.30pm - 10pm.
Course Fee: £120
“Chris skillfully nurtures you on that fascinating journey from audience member to performing poet” - Phil Barber, course participant 2012.
“Chris is a skillful facilitator who cares passionately about fostering independent dreams and collective spirit.” - Adie Ellis-Conde, course participant 2012.
Course details available from: http://www.chrisbrookspoetry.com/courses-workshops/
To book your place go to www.chrisbrookspoetry.com/shop or phone 07825411030
For more information visit http://www.bluewalnuttorquay.co.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.bluewalnuttorquay.co.uk/