Blue Walnut Cafe / Events / Thu 28 Apr 2016
28/04/2016 19:30 – 22:30 POETRY ISLAND FTR – MARC WOODWARD

Special Guest: Marc Woodward
Marc Woodward is a poet and musician living in Devon.
His writing reflects his rural surroundings and his love of music but often has a dark or macabre undercurrent.
He has been published in a wide range of journals and online sites including Ink, Sweat & Tears, Clear Poetry, Otter, The Broadsheet and The Poetry Society and Guardian websites, as well as in anthologies from Forward, Sentinel, OWF and Ravenshead.
His recent chapbook ‘A Fright of Jays’ is available from Maquette Press:
As a poetry performer he tries to give a varied and entertaining programme, mixing some of his more formal and serious pieces with his own lighter performance poems – which perhaps have more in common with the monologues favoured from vaudeville and music hall days. But here again those strange and macabre themes are never far away, as anyone who’s heard his “Hands of Power” will attest!
Reviews of ‘A Fright of Jays’
“…stories of moonlight and wildlife in the strange small wildernesses of the south west.”
“In its strongest passages the relationship with the landscape is both brutal and beautiful – hints of the sublime and the realistic one finds in Jack Clemo or Ted Hughes.”
– Mike Rose-Steel in Ink, Sweat & Tears.
“These are beautifully crafted poems… that sing in the dark, of darkness”
– Sally Douglas – Canto
Doors open 7.30pm Show starts 8:00pm Tickets £6.00 – reserve your seat by contacting Ian via email: ianbeechpoetry@btinternet.com
For more information visit http://www.bluewalnuttorquay.co.uk/blog/?p=287
Event Location
The Blue Walnut Cafe
14 Walnut Road,
Telephone: 01803 394 113
Email: info@bluewalnuttorquay.co.uk
Website: http://www.bluewalnuttorquay.co.uk/blog/?p=287