Blue Monkey Network / Events / Thu 24 Jan 2019
Looking back/ Looking forwards

This month’s Blue Monkey event will take a slightly different format from the norm as we’d like it to be an opportunity for a group conversation with a chance for everyone to contribute. The new year is always a good time for reviewing things and taking stock, as well as making plans for the future, so for our first Blue Monkey event of the year, we’d like to join with you to do just that. Together we’ll think back over some of the events of the past year or so and talk about what you’d like Blue Monkey to offer in the coming year.
But it’s not all about Blue Monkey. We’d also like you to come and tell us what’s happening in your practice. Did you do something last year that was really valuable and has set you up for the coming months? Do you have exciting plans (large or small) for the coming year and beyond? It doesn’t have to be something massive, ground-breaking or stunningly impressive - small things are just as interesting and often have a big impact. So we hope you’ll come and share some of the artistic experiences, events, plans and news that are significant to you, so that we can all learn from and celebrate with each other.
6-8pm, Blue Monkey Network members FREE, non-members £5.
Image: Fred Eversley Untitled at Space Shifters, Hayward Gallery 2018 photo by Judith Alder
For more information visit http://www.townereastbourne.org.uk/event/looking-back-looking-forwards/
Event Location
Towner Art Gallery
Devonshire Park, College Road, Eastbourne BN21 4JJ
Telephone: 01323 434 670
Email: towner@townereastbourne.org.uk
Website: http://www.townereastbourne.org.uk/event/looking-back-looking-forwards/