Blue Monkey Network

Blue Monkey Network / Events / Wed 27 Sep 2017

5x5: 5 Sussex artists talk about their work

5x5: 5 Sussex artists talk about their work

This popular event provides an opportunity for our five artist-presenters to brush up on their presentation skills, as well as a chance for Sussex artists to get to know each other better and explore the breadth and diversity of artistic practice in the region. The five artists will each talk for five minutes and show 15 images of, or relating to their work in these short and snappy Pecha Kucha style presentations.

The talks will be followed by time for discussion, chat and a glass of wine.

Artists presenting this month are:

Philomena Harmsworth
Helen Scalway
Judith Alder
Bern O'Donoghue
Jim Roseveare
Philomena Harmsworth says, "A painter of twenty years all of a sudden I have discovered pottery! Last year the paintings were literally starting to leave the surface of the canvas and that after a short pottery course I realised, with utter delight, that so many of the paintings were actually supposed to have been pots all along. This is an interesting concept as I am now making pots that I feel are supposed to be paintings! I am ensconced in a project coined the Many Vesseled Women, literally making female figurines made up of domestic vessels – traditionally hand-thrown bowls and vases. They have a dichotomy with conventionally produced domestic ware and a sassy decorative element.
In contrast, Helen Scalway says she is interested in spatialities. She tries to think through visual means about the inner dynamics of relationships through the spaces they produce. Current work is concerned with trying to understand the self - and others' very different selves - through the rich visual metaphor of houses and built structures: ourselves seen visually as neighbourhoods. In order to think she uses visual means such as drawing, collage, charting, model-making and book structures, as well as writing. Helen Scalway is currently an Honorary Research Associate in the Geography Department at Royal Holloway, University of London.

Judith Alder's current research begins with the origins of life and goes on to explore ideas about growth, change and evolution. Through her work she sets out to explore some of the concerns and conflicts of life in our age of scientific and technological miracles which Hans Ulrich Obrist* calls "'extreme present', a time in which it feels impossible to maintain pace with the present, never mind to chart the future." Her work takes many forms, often bringing together combinations of found and made images, objects, words, sound and moving image from a diverse range of sources to form installations, collections and assemblages.

* What Is the Future of Art? Hans Ulrich Obrist

Bern O'Donoghue is a visual artist based in Brighton who has worked across many creative disciplines. Collaboration and education form a large part of her work and for the last six years, through projects such as DearDaveandNick, Dead Reckoning and Refugees Crossing, Bern has been particularly interested in galvanising public involvement, encouraging exploration of the power of words to shape perception and the concept that small creative acts might change the world. Bern's current work considers experiences of displacement and precarious living. By focusing on the people behind the statistics, she aims to widen the debate on migration and challenge myths regarding refugees and migrants. Her Dead Reckoning project has been seen across the UK at venues including Tate Modern and The British Museum.

Jim Roseveare is interested in the material nature of the world around us and how we experience it. His work is predominately elemental and engages with the power of physical forces, forms and processes - a way of looking which is informed by over 30 years of arboricultural experience. Often site specific he works with installation, sculpture, video and photography. He has exhibited internationally and in the UK including Istanbul Art Fair, Venice Biennale, Saatchi Gallery (Strata Art Fair). Towner Gallery, Farley Farm House, Art in Romney Marsh, Elements and Transition Gallery.

Image: Bern O’Donoghue, Dead Reckoning

6-8pm Artists - all welcome
FREE to Blue Monkey Network members; £5 non-members

Refreshments will be available (contributions welcome) or please feel free to bring a bottle.

For more information visit

Event Location


Devonshire Park, College Road, Eastbourne,
BN21 4JJ

Telephone: 01323 434 670

Event Details
