Light Painting is the technique of using long exposure and light to create fantastic photographic effects.Acclaimed light painter Ian Hobson will lead this hands-on workshop which will take place by the Loop.PH light installation on Broadway Gardens.
As the sun sets across the gardens, Ian Hobson will bring back the light with exciting digital photography techniques. He will help you conjure up your own fire and fright photos with unique lights and beautiful colours.
If you have a Digital camera that has a long exposure setting, and you want to know how to use it, bring it along and create your own light paintings.
This event is great for families because it's a fun way to explore light and colour to create firework-like patterns and shapes as a family. Learn new ways of using digital cameras so that you can capture images to rival your family holiday snaps. Next to the secret sculpture on Broadway Gardens this workshop gives you a great way to interact and engage with this exciting new piece by Loop.pH.
For more information visit http://www.fireandfright.com/
Event Location
Broadway Gardens
Letchworth Garden City
Telephone: 01462 476 007
Email: arts@letchworth.com
Website: http://www.fireandfright.com/