Ben Langworthy / Images
Buisness as usual video instalation still.

Buisness as usual:
A set of four monitors show long static shots which are remanicent of cctv footage and seem to have been filmed though peephole. They show what appears to be a deserted and motionless generic city street at night. Nothing seems to move. the shots flick to different angles on the street. There is odd quick movement in the background, the video is to grainy to make out what. Tiny jerky shadows shift accross the screen(s), again in a different shot there is movement, fast and jerky then stopping then fast again. switch to another camera angle. stillness. An ant larger than the size of man crawls over a crashed car and then down the street, another meets it and the crawl up the face of the building. the Camera shot changes again this time into the building, another screen to the alleyway, there are ants everywhere, the intruders have taken over.
the shots are each rather long and still where not much seems to happen the result of which is than only those who stop to watch for a time will see anything unusual. The peephole shots are used to give the impression of looking into another world, one seperate from out own where the intruders into the human speher of existance have taken over.
'Buisness as Usual' is an attempt to play with the place the post appocolyptic holds in our psychy, where everyday situations and objects have become stange and uncertain. It is intended to act as a suggestion, or proposal for an impossible situation that questions the stability and nature of everyday situations by undermining and changing them by a degree.