Beesounds / Events / Sat 02 to Sun 03 Jun 2012 (2 days)
Beesounds Acoustic Weekend

On the Jubilee Weekend from 2nd-3rd June the Beesounds Acoustic Weekend will take place again by the sea and at the Underwood Discovery Centre, Beeson, nr. Slapton, TQ7 2ED. There are 'Double Diamond Duos for the Diamond Jubilee. On Saturday, at 7.30 Jackie Oates and Jim Causley in concert. (£12) and on Sunday at 6.30 The Carrivick Sisters with songs and games for children at 6.30 and in concert at 7.30 (£12). Also, on Sunday, during the day local groups will be playing and singing alongside the tea ladies. There is camping on site. For further details and bookings contact or ring 01803/866916.
For more information visit