Batley Art Gallery

Batley Art Gallery / Events / Sat 05 Nov to Sat 17 Dec 2016 (1 month)

Andrew Lister - paintings and objects

Andrew Lister - paintings and objects

Recent work has used images that are easily recognisable - often taken from the press or the history of painting - and reworked using a variety of materials. The reworking often involves humour and subversion.

"The history of art and photographs from newspapers provide the subject matter for this wall-based work. Images are painted or constructed using a variety of found materials. The materials and methods are chosen to be in harmony or discord with the image they are serving. Holbein’s Dead Christ is meticulously painted on a jay-cloth, rather than printed, evoking the original and intensifying the dialogue between image and support. Crash reworks a press photograph of a train crash using found tin that is cut and nailed. The image is painterly and coherent from a distance but on closer inspection the metal is sharp and fragmented echoing the chaos of the crash."

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Event Location

Batley Art Gallery

Market Place
WF17 5DA

Telephone: 01484 414 868

Event Details
