The History Wardrobe brings its uplifting presentation about life on the home front in World War One to Bagshaw Museum, Batley, on Sunday, 11 February.
‘V for Victory’ is a brand new ‘costume-in-context’ presentation by the popular company who will look at four Vs – vegetables, valiant, the vote and victory.
The presentation will reveal what it was like for women running a wartime house on rations, the chores they did as a Land Army girl, what they thought about getting the vote for the first time and celebrate the work of the Women’s Institute. It will also look at the victory celebrations and jubilations and women’s fears and hopes for the future.
As well as costumes from the period, the lively presentation will include top tips on cooking, cleaning and laundry, recipes, and a look at how people entertained themselves during wartime.
The presentation starts at 2pm. Tickets, price £12.50, can be purchased from Bagshaw Museum, Wilton Park, Batley, or by telephoning 01924 324765. Advance booking is essential.
For further information contact Paul Gales, Heritage Manager Bagshaw Museum, tel: 01924 324765, email: paul.gales@kirklees.gov.uk
News Location
Bagshaw Museum
Wilton Park
Woodlands Road
West Yorkshire
WF17 0AS
Telephone: 01484 221 000
Email: bagshaw.museum@kirklees.gov.uk